3- Remembering the 1st time

A legacy of my failed teenage relationship was a Young Person’s Railcard. I’d got this in the summer of 1988 to save money on my rail journeys to see my then girlfriend- having given up on the morbidly slow and utterly unreliable National Express Coaches. Ironically Gary Glitter advertised the YP cards, British Rail were blissfully unaware of his sordid private activities. It was another twist of irony that the ad men at BR also employed Jimmy Saville to tell the unsuspecting British public that this was indeed the age of the train. Its going to sound a bit old-fogeyish now, but my first trip to Elland Road probably cost me around £12.50 by the time Id factored in my reduced rail fare, refreshments, admission and a programme. It didn’t include the Leeds A-Z from WHS I bought and crudely stuffed into my denim jacket inside pocket as I tried to navigate a short-cut via Sweet Street and the back streets of Holbeck, shuffling beneath the shadows of huge mail-order catalogue warehouses, bac...